Charitable Organizations

We proudly donate 10% of our profits to charitable organizations making a difference in the world. This includes community support, civil liberties, women’s rights, minority organizations, habitat conservation, climate change, etc. Our goal is to help make the world a better, cleaner, and safer place for everyone.

If you work for a charitable organization and would like to partner with us, please send an inquiry here.

Our Current Charity: SafeHouse Denver

SafeHouse Denver is a local organization committed to helping those experiencing domestic violence find safety. SafeHouse Denver assists adults, children, and youth in reclaiming their right to a life free from domestic violence. They serve survivors of domestic violence through an emergency shelter, a non-residential counseling & advocacy center, extended stay programs, and educational resources.

Learn more about these services

Experiencing Abuse?

Call the SafeHouse Denver 24-Hour crisis & Information line for support:


Other Charities We Have Worked With